Dear Gentle Reader,
These are 2 of the many in my tank.... I had a hunch when I saw they might be either dragonfly or damselfly after asking the experts in one of the fb groups I'm member of.... I've found out what they were. Yayyyyyyyyy........😁🥳
Bugs, butterflies, polinators are all out today to enjoy the sun and with that a bit L'Amour leaf cutter bee style. Comma, Holy Blue, Tortoiseshell and a gorgeous Peacock butterfly were kind enough to pose for me under the supervision of Mr Robin.
As I was exploring my garden further, I've found a childhood favourite....the Click Beetle. I use to torment as a child these poor creatures with my cousins to see which beetle jumps higher. A healthy nettle patch is growing as a nursery for the caterpillars of some of the butterflies I mentioned above. I also found wasp Queens and hover flies on the ivy basking in the sun.
That's all for now,
All the best
Sincerely yours
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