Sunday, 31 March 2024

Tatting - Easter 2024

Dear Gentle Reader, 

This year I came across a few patterns I used for my Easter cards.
They are all tatted by me but the credit goes to the creators: Natalka, CreaHelga, Pitsibaa, Okoni, Dotori and Alenalea. 
I must say tatting those patterns was so much fun and I've enjoyed every second of it. I'm looking forward to create more for next year. Happy Easter everyone :) 

Until next time
All the best

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Nature in My Garden - March 2024

Dear Gentle Reader, 

My peach tree slowly started blooming and like a magnet draw in this little fly. That's all it needs, a pollinator to do it's job while feeding. Also saw my first bumblebee. And birds are singing their hearts out. Was very nice outside warm and sunny. Didn't want to come in.
Wildlife slowly awakens in my garden, feasting on the pollen and nectar of the early flowering spring flowers. My fishtank is full of wildlife too, well snails mostly, which are procreating like crazy, my oxigenator plants are laden with egg capsules. Most won't reach adulthood as my fish will thin out the population. Also the odd pigeon started to come for a drink and bath early in the morning. 
A few days of warmth and my garden is buzzing. 
Tortoiseshell and comma butterflies, hover flies, bumble bees, almost every creature is buzzing around and enjoying the warm weather and plants.

Until next time
Sincerely yours

My Garden - November 2024

And the mild weather continues, stretching into this month too. The weather person promising a mild winter with occasional cold and frosty d...